Teacher PD

Greetings Cresskill Community,

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, our teachers participated in professional development centered around the theme of belonging for all students. As Dr. King said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." We believe that creating a sense of belonging in our classrooms is crucial in the fight against injustice and models the skills our students will need to be contributing global citizens.   

During the professional development, teachers engaged in discussions and activities focused on understanding the diverse experiences of our students and creating inclusive classrooms. We also reflected on Dr. King's message of unity and equity as we strive to maximize the opportunities for all students.  We explored ways that we can apply these principles in our daily work as educators through a curriculum that provides “windows” into the experiences of others as well as “mirrors” to see their own experiences within the curriculum. 

We are committed to ensuring that every student in Cresskill feels seen, heard, and valued. On this day of honoring the legacy of Dr. King, we reaffirmed our commitment to creating a more just and equitable society for all.

With Care for ALL, 
Dr. Peter Hughes
Cresskill Superintendent of Schools